CAMÍ DE SANT JAUME. 1st Stage. Barcelona - Hospitalet - Cornellà de Llobregat
This ancient road of Roman and medieval origin was also known as the Camí Ral d'Aragó (Royal Road of Aragon). It enjoyed royal protection, as the Counts of Barcelona were the protective princes of Aragó since 1137 and kings since 1162. Along this route, settlements began to emerge. It was popularly referred to by different names depending on the activities carried out there. One of them was the Camí del Blat (Wheat Road), as it was the path followed by merchants transporting this cereal from Aragó and Urgell for consumption in Barcelona.
Another group that used this route were the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. The royal road from Barcelona to the inland territories reached Martorell after crossing the Llobregat River via the Sant Bartomeu o del Diable, or more frequently, by the Sant Andreuferry. However, before the 18th century, the Camí Ral d'Aragó did not lead to the foot of Montserrat, but instead, it went through Piera and Capellades, heading directly to Igualada, and from there to Lleida and Zaragoza.
During the late Middle Ages, many pilgrims heading to Santiago de Compostela from southern France, Germany, or Italy preferred to enter the península Ibèrica through Catalunya rather than through Navarra or the País Basc. For these pilgrims, the journey from Barcelona to Montserrat was an important stage in the devotional route culminating at Santiago. After Montserrat, some would continue to Santes Creus and Poblet, although most would head directly to the santuari del Pilar in Saragossa.
Source: Associació d'amics del Camí de Sant Jaume de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat.
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