Festival del Cinema de Terror a Molins de Rei


A celebration of the world of Spanish cinema, where you can enjoy the Iberian peninsula’s oldest horror film marathon, as well as a horror shorts competition in which the Sitges Cinema Festival takes part.

Back in 1973, the local film club were chewing over the way of getting some extra income that helped them to improve their rock-bottom financial estate. They surprised everybody with a fully breaking idea that, even today is still alive and kicking with a big success. The first «Horror Movie Marathon» across the country was being born. In the first two years, it consisted of 16 hours of genre cinema; after the third edition it became the now classical «Molins de Rei 12 Hours of Horror Movies». Since then, the «12 Hores» have turned into the Festival that we know today.

Date: November.

Frequency: Annual.

Further information:
Ajuntament de Molins de Rei
Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm

Correu electrònic
93 680 33 40 / 638 881 635

Pl. Mercè Rodoreda s/n (Teatre de La Peni)
08750 Molins de Rei Barcelona

Molins de Rei
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