CRAM Foundation
The CRAM Foundation opens its doors to all those who wish to visit the Recovery Center and learn more about the work carried out on their premises. In addition, through AulaCram, educational and recreational activities are performed with the aim of publicizing the threats that affect the marine environment and raise awareness about this problem. The Recovery Center Prat de Llobregat allows us to accommodate thousands of visitors and let them experience firsthand the daily activities of the center. Meet the fish that live in the Mediterranean and discover to what extent we can help conserve marine ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. Located in an excellent "natural" environment, the Centre for Marine Animal Recovery is an ideal educational setting which reflect the educational policy of the Foundation. The Recovery Center visits are always guided, are adapted to all ages and led to all kinds of people or groups, schools, adults and families.
Passeig de la Platja, 28-30
08820 El Prat de Llobregat Barcelona
Adult ticket: 8'50 €
Admission Friend of the CRAM: Free
Admission children 0-4 years: Free
Admission for children 5-12 years: 5'50 €
Discounts: Over 65 years: 5 € / Large family: 5 € / Group with special needs: 5 € / Teachers: 5 €