Camins a Cavall - Equestrian Club Esparreguera
Camins a Cavall is more than an Equinotherapy center, we have created a new concept, Emotional Equinotherapy. Our method of integration is born out of the conviction that human beings are the sum of all their areas, emotional, physical and mental. Comprehensive therapeutic intervention works in all areas, starting with emotional well-being and good internal structure.
Paths on horseback is located at the foot of Montserrat, specifically in the town of Esparreguera. It is dedicated to performing sessions of Equinotherapy, leisure activities conscious, sustainable and adapted to the needs of our users, to the dissemination and research of Equinotherapy .
Camins a Cavall works with its own interdisciplinary method, as a result of the training and experience of the Center's technical team. We work with the whole human being as a whole, we follow each case in a personalized and individual way, we adapt to the needs that each client requires and we offer a professional and quality solution.
The Horse Path Team is made up of equine therapists, special educators, children, social workers, psychologists, physiotherapists and horse-riding specialists. The group of leisure activities is run by people trained and qualified in the field of education and responsible and sustainable leisure.
Cami Can Rubió s/n
08292 Esparreguera Barcelona