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- Dramatised visits in Ca n'Amat
Dramatised visits in Ca n'Amat
Step into the Viladecans of the 19th century! We invite you to come and take a journey through time by visiting the noble rooms of the building, accompanied by its inhabitants. You will meet the master of the house, Joan Amat, accompanied by the maid, and Mrs. Eulàlia Aymar, the lady of the house. Visits from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM, 45 minutes each visit.
Days of the activity
Joan Amat and the maid:
26th January
16th March
21st September
16th November
Special day. Museums night: 18th May from 17.30h to 21h.
Eulàlia Aymar:
16th February
20th April
15th June
19th October
21st December
Consult the language of the visit.
Fitxers adjunts
Nom de l'empresa organitzadora
Ca n'Amat - Museu de Viladecans
Data de celebració
16 de febrer
Any de celebració
Adreça on té lloc l'activitat
c/ d'Àngel Guimerà, 12 - 08840
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